
New York

All new listings will be signified by during the first two weeks of posting!

AFL-CIO (Researcher and Campaigner Resume Posting Service)

AFSCME (District Council 37)

AFSCME (Local 1000, CSEA New York)

AFT (AFT Vermont)


ALU (Amazon Labor Union)

APALA (Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance)

CIR/SEIU (Committee of Interns & Residents)

Citizen Action of New York

CVH (Community Voices Heard)

CWG (Campaign Workers Guild)

Doctors Council SEIU

Leadership for Democracy and Social Justice (a CUNY Institute)

NY Renews

NYCOSH (New York Committee for Occupational Safety and Health)

NYSNA (New York State Nurses Association)

OEA (Ohio Education Association)

One Fair Wage

OPEIU (Local 32)

PESP (Private Equity Stakeholder Project)

SEIU (Local 10MD / Doctors Council)

SEIU (Local 32BJ)

SEIU (Local 511, Connecticut Employees Union Independent, CEUI)

SOC (Strategic Organizing Center)

TNG-CWA (The NewsGuild of New York, CWA Local 31003)

UAW (Local 2322)

Workers United (Workers United Upstate New York)



National Listings

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All new listings will be signified by during the first two weeks of posting!

AFT (AFT Washington)


APALA (Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance)

APFA (Association of Professional Flight Attendants)

CLU (Community Labor United)

CSCRC (Central South Carpenters Regional Council)

CWG (Campaign Workers Guild)

Jobs with Justice

MCEA (Montgomery County Education Association)

MNA (Minnesota Nurses Association)

NEA (National Education Association – Rhode Island)

One Fair Wage

PESP (Private Equity Stakeholder Project)

SolidaritUS Health

USW (United Steelworkers)

WA LERC (Washington State Labor Education and Research Center)